What Can You Ceramic Coat..
This hydrophobic (water repellent) coating allows water to roll off the surface while grabbing dirt and grime (known as the self-cleaning effect). Hand Washing will be extremely easy and the need for heavy detergents and chemicals are, in most cases, not needed.
Fiber Glass
Once coated with Ceramic Pro your boat will stand out from all others. The shine and color depth on a Ceramic Pro vessel is something to behold. Ceramic Pro Coating, provides a permanent shine. The results are truly eye-catching.
Ceramic Pro Marine will protect your vinyl from accidental spills, fish blood, stains, oil/grime and harmful UV Rays. Ceramic Pro Marine is completely flexible and will not crack or peel off the vinyl. As with all surfaces, Ceramic Pro Marine offers a self-cleaning effect allowing your vinyl to be easily cleaned. Say goodbye to spending hours cleaning the vinyl on your boat.